Sunday, September 5, 2010

Let's Party People

I felt so happy for unknown reason. I know I was feeling sad or moody lately but it all changed. Just like that. I blame the medicine (and I got over it - the problem which was bothering me). Grr.

So feel like going clubbing and dance (even though I don't know how to dance) but who cares right? Too bad it's Sunday and confirm clubbing no fun.

Anyone wanna go next time? Err. Wait. Next week public holiday. Ok. Ok. Next next week. Let's dance people.

Enjoy some of the clubbing song. Dance too if you want.

Oh ya. I hereby declare this month as clubbing and party and dance month. So enjoy the new playlist.

and my new favourite...

Post Scriptum: I am NOT high on anything. I didn't take my medicine at all. Yeah.


Little Prince said...

maison is happening on sundays nights for... guys. :)

Ameer Zachery said...

LCP: Been there once.. Don't really like it. Anyway, jumping around in the house for now will do. ;)

Mr.D said...

nak itot

tuls said...

jom jom!!!

Ameer Zachery said...

Mr.D: jom

tuls: Yeay more people. Next next week ok?

Shake Trees said...

jumping ard the hse? *pengsan* :P before u start clubbing ur aledi drunk. haha... so did u go clubbing?

Ameer Zachery said...

Koala E: No lar. Didn't go yet. Soon. Real soon. Hahaha..