Pulling out the wisdom tooth was not so bad after all. I heard so many unpleasant story about it. The pain. The swelling. So much to bear.
Surprisingly for me, I did not feel any of it at all. It's either the dentist was good at doing the procedure or the painkiller was to powerful or I just ran out of pain nerves. Still its a good thing as I don't have to endure much agony of the pain.
Now, the only problem I found annoying is the hole left from the tooth area. It's look like small but food keep getting stuck in it. I always having hard time getting the food out from it.
I tried using my tongue which was the useless choice of all. Then I use the tooth pick with ended up poking the gum like a needle piercing to the skin (painless though). Then my last resort was using the tooth brush to dig it out. The tooth brush kind of dangerous as I think there is a possible chance of me tearing my gum (Ok fine. I exaggerate a little bit).
I wonder if there an easiest solution to this problem? Anyone care to shade some light over here?
Surprisingly for me, I did not feel any of it at all. It's either the dentist was good at doing the procedure or the painkiller was to powerful or I just ran out of pain nerves. Still its a good thing as I don't have to endure much agony of the pain.
Now, the only problem I found annoying is the hole left from the tooth area. It's look like small but food keep getting stuck in it. I always having hard time getting the food out from it.
I tried using my tongue which was the useless choice of all. Then I use the tooth pick with ended up poking the gum like a needle piercing to the skin (painless though). Then my last resort was using the tooth brush to dig it out. The tooth brush kind of dangerous as I think there is a possible chance of me tearing my gum (Ok fine. I exaggerate a little bit).
I wonder if there an easiest solution to this problem? Anyone care to shade some light over here?