So I just got the news from the boss saying that my our training will be delay. How long? Two freaking months. Ok. What am I suppose to do in this two months? I did had my very extra long leave before. So I can die again due to boredom.
I know they still keep paying me my salary but I don't think I can even survive with the amount they giving me right now. Ya ya. Ungrateful employee. Never satisfied with what they give.
So anyway, talking about the two months now. I was thinking of going for a holiday again. The last one.. well.. (I think some might know what happened). Somehow, my friend told me to just stay put in Malaysia and not go out from the country again. Hmm.. Should I consider it?
I was planning for my Asia trip since my round the world trip still being postponed. Maybe I should just stay home. Arrgghh.. This thing also give me headache.
I don't think I want to study now. I know I should but still got time right? After all, 60 days is a long day. I am actually partially book this month. I like to keep myself busy with unrelated stuff. If not, I will be in my room watching TV series from my laptop. I know right? No life.
So let's enjoy the scenery. I don't mean the nature. Wait. That one too. ;)

You can take up a short course... pole dancing? :D
its a very good thing that you have holiday wa... i can do a lot a lot... T_T *drools in fantasy* XD anyways, first time here. nice blog.
William: Hahaha. I am going for Dance class now.
Vincent: Can do what a lot? Hahaha.. Thanks for visitng.
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