This is a conversation I had with my mom yesterday. It was in Malay but to make it easy I will translate it to English (some words will still remain in Malay).
Mom: What with the ustaz telling you to 'mandi wajib' yesterday?
Me: Ya lar who know maybe because I wake up every morning 'stim' only. Thats why lar.
Mom: Sure or not you not watching porn in your room.
Me: Ish. Where got.
Mom: Like that then you should be getting married already. Shouldn't hold it.
Me: OMG mom.
My mom normally very open on some stuff but I still normally don't feel comfortable talking about it with her. Hahaha.
For those who don't know what is 'mandi wajib', click here (Malay version) of explanation. Sorry I can't find the English version of explanation.
For those who don't know what is 'mandi wajib', click here (Malay version) of explanation. Sorry I can't find the English version of explanation.

hmm.. interesting conversation...
won;t see it happening between me n my mom ;p
aha.ur mom agak cool la.
hahaha that's 1 hack of a coversation... i like the statement "shouldn't hold it",,LOL
U told ur mum u hv morning erections ah?...SO modern eh ur mum! =)
am i the only girl commenting this?
... i'll be quiet then.
Danny: Are you sure? Maybe your mom haven't asked you why? ;)
k.A: Yeah. She normally is.
W;Hidney: Lol. Enjoying it while it last. Bole?
A.D: This can consider normal conversation already between me my mom I guess most of the time.
simonlover: I just told her what she want to know. Lazy to argue.
arLynnE: Lol..
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