Hey. Miss me. I'm sure nobody does.
Ok. I was away for few days went to few places. I had some works need to be done. That is why I am not able to update my post.
Today actually I don't really want to update much. So just some brief information. On Thursday, I was gone to Leadership Camp at BTN Pulai Mountain. I wasn't told it was held there. I was actually force to go. I specifically asked where the location was and I was told it was some resort next to the beach.
Upon reaching the place I knew something was wrong already. So the next day I called my parent to picked me up as I started to fell sick. The whole time until I was home I was sick.
So thats about it. I will blog again when my mood is ok.
i do miss u =p
BTN? omg.
Lucifer: Yeah right? Never call, never sms.. Anyway, next time come down we go yum char.
Mr. D: Why lar?
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