So so long I didn't do any quiz. I was so busy with so many things I don't even know what I'm doing. Hahaha. See I tend to make people confuse also lately.
Anyway, for Malaysian readers, I have a small surprise for you. Since I have few extra Starbucks cards, what other way to give it out to my fellow reader for free. Plus it has a stored value of RM20. Cool right?
The question is simple and the rules even simpler. Let go through the rule first.
1. Answer can be in any form as long as it's readable and the most correct answer will receive the prize.
2. Email the answer to ameerzachery[at]gmail[dot]com
3. Email subject: Do You Know Me?
4. Don't forget to introduce yourself.
5. Dateline would be 13 June 2012.
6. TWO winners will received the prized via mail.
7. Winner will be notified via blog.
8. Have fun.
So what would the question be?
Tell me as much and as detail as possible what can you tell about me?

you got mail ! hahaha
i cannot use the card pun!!!!!!!!! :( tidakkkkkkkkkkkk!! lolllllllll
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